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                                              Our Services


M.A.L.E Mentoring and Scholarship Program focus on middle and high school male youth and are presented in an informative and supportive manner, so that they will have the opportunity to take part in interactive, age-appropriate educational summits related to issues that affect their lives now and in the future.  Positive male leaders from various academic disciplines and levels, business leaders, sports representatives, law enforcement officials, government leaders and other male representatives will collaborate on a variety of timely and topical issues. By acting as real-life role models, presenters will impart first-hand examples and scenarios of positive decision-making via approximately 20 minute presentation afterwards Q & A open forum where the youth are open to ask questions to the panel of speakers.


Summit & Workshop sessions: designed to have a balance between presentations, interactive settings, team building activities and learning through short projects – all facilitated and oriented in age-appropriate ways. Youth sessions, for attendees ages 9-18, provide activities and information promoting productive and healthy lifestyles, career paths and goal setting while learning about the necessary tools, support and qualities needed to deal with issues in their daily lives related to physical, mental, character and self-esteem development and how to deal with emotions.


College Tour:  Youth ages 15-18, experience sessions geared to promote graduation and address college and/or career planning. These older youth acquire knowledge on how to develop their own personal network of advisors, mentors and effectively navigate educational systems to reach their academic and career goals. Adult staff and volunteers share knowledge and skills needed to develop a local support system that expands beyond Club walls to include family, church, fraternal organizations, service groups and schools. The Summit helps youth participants foster a sense of solidarity and mutual support by sharing common problems faced every day at school, home and in their respective neighborhoods. The main outcome for youth during the Summit is to develop a personal strategic plan and identify resources to help problem-solve and achieve goals back home.


At the conclusion of each Summit, youth participants:

• develop a personal strategic plan and identify resources to help problem-solve and achieve goals back home;

• develop a plan to continue to network with peers by sharing their experiences and efforts in meeting goals established during the Summit;

• develop and/or refine a plan to work with local churches, service groups, schools and others groups to address critical issues male youth;

Do you remember who complicated it was as a youth?

Only a few hours a month will last a lifetime!!
If you would like to mentor a mentee call us, we would love to hear from you..... Joseph Lundy (813) 409-7273

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